Two toddlers.......two Besties. Only one me; lets do it! Tonight was Claires first "Slumber Party" with a girlfriend. Every morning on our car ride to daycare (as she is in the class I teach) she asks to make sure Mika will be there (her 'besty'). So today as I was off at 5:30pm I had Mika and my daughter Claire. We sat at the "toddler table" and shared a snack. Ham and blueberry muffin lol Hugs and kisses from Mika's Momma and we were on our way.....down the stairs, each clunky boot hitting its own note of independance as we made our way down a staircase towards new beginnings. I buckled them in to my lil Toyota Echo. Round two of kisses from Mikas Mom. Baby behind me on the left. Baby behind me on the right. Here we go! With a snack in their belly I was taking them grocery shopping. lol. YUP! that's right. Let's do this! Honest? Fucking amazed at their tranquility. I asked them what they would like for dinner, ideas they had, thoughts.....and they responded.....they drove their 'car buggy' as we strolled through PriceMart and people STOPPED to point and giggle with glee in response to these two lil gals. We made our way home and ate dinner. Bath time followed. Bubbles, warmth and laughter. Playtime came after which included, a fake-rabbit, fake-squirrel, balls, a frog, a catipillar, Rapunzel and more....Literally 5 minutes of t.v which Claire LOVED as Toopee and Beenu (no idea what the correct spelling is) was on and Mika continued to play. Sooooooooooooo.........the scary part.....TWO toddlers to bed, in toddler beds, side by side, in the same room..............Well....let's do it ;) Honest? not as bad as I though it would be but I definatly had a moment of "oh baby don't cry" baby or Erins heart PULLED! So I went back into Claires room (where we even had Mikas home nightlight plugged in) and I laid inbetween them for a bit over 30 minutes. I left the room after and for the following ten minutes you could hear each child fall alseep and each child get woke up by the others crying. You could hear Claire tell Mika "its okay Mika, no crying", and as I sat outside ther bedroom door texting Mikas mother.....I hear Mika crawling back into bed and pass-out. So in total.....about an hour for two toddlers to go to sleep.....side by pillow added.......cuddles and back-pats included...........SuperTwo.
post scripture
Claire woke at 5am hungry lol Mika awoke to Claire talking and they both fell sleep five minutes or so later (Claire after eating as the "I'm hungry Mommy" would not stop and I didn't want her to wakeup Mika which happened anyway lol I grabbd my blanket and slumbered between the two for the next two hours and now they are playing happily
Sounds great! Good job!