Thursday, 26 January 2012


Two toddlers.......two Besties. Only one me; lets do it! Tonight was Claires first "Slumber Party" with a girlfriend. Every morning on our car ride to daycare (as she is in the class I teach) she asks to make sure Mika will be there (her 'besty'). So today as I was off at 5:30pm I had Mika and my daughter Claire. We sat at the "toddler table" and shared a snack. Ham and blueberry muffin lol Hugs and kisses from Mika's Momma and we were on our way.....down the stairs, each clunky boot hitting its own note of independance as we made our way down a staircase towards new beginnings. I buckled them in to my lil Toyota Echo. Round two of kisses from Mikas Mom. Baby behind me on the left. Baby behind me on the right. Here we go! With a snack in their belly I was taking them grocery shopping. lol. YUP! that's right. Let's do this! Honest? Fucking amazed at their tranquility. I asked them what they would like for dinner, ideas they had, thoughts.....and they responded.....they drove their 'car buggy' as we strolled through PriceMart and people STOPPED to point and giggle with glee in response to these two lil gals. We made our way home and ate dinner. Bath time followed. Bubbles, warmth and laughter. Playtime came after which included, a fake-rabbit, fake-squirrel, balls, a frog, a catipillar, Rapunzel and more....Literally 5 minutes of t.v which Claire LOVED as Toopee and Beenu (no idea what the correct spelling is) was on and Mika continued to play. Sooooooooooooo.........the scary part.....TWO toddlers to bed, in toddler beds, side by side, in the same room..............Well....let's do it ;) Honest? not as bad as I though it would be but I definatly had a moment of "oh baby don't cry" baby or Erins heart PULLED! So I went back into Claires room (where we even had Mikas home nightlight plugged in) and I laid inbetween them for a bit over 30 minutes. I left the room after and for the following ten minutes you could hear each child fall alseep and each child get woke up by the others crying. You could hear Claire tell Mika "its okay Mika, no crying", and as I sat outside ther bedroom door texting Mikas mother.....I hear Mika crawling back into bed and pass-out. So in total.....about an hour for two toddlers to go to sleep.....side by pillow added.......cuddles and back-pats included...........SuperTwo.

post scripture
Claire woke at 5am hungry lol Mika awoke to Claire talking and they both fell sleep five minutes or so later (Claire after eating as the "I'm hungry Mommy" would not stop and I didn't want her to wakeup Mika which happened anyway lol I grabbd my blanket and slumbered between the two for the next two hours and now they are playing happily

Saturday, 21 January 2012


Remember when our world revolved around Magic? I would say it was that magic that kept us Forever Young. A world revolved around our favorite shows, our favorite characters. In this picture, tucking our favourites into bed :) Dreams, love, magic and wonder......

Memories and smiles,
Warmth and dreams.
Only a child sees,
Wonders of innocence unseen.

Happiness and laughter,
Joy through love.
Tenderness given,
As only a child could.

Heart seen in her eyes,
As she tucks her doll to sleep.
Forever Young my child,
I will help you keep.

Tuesday, 17 January 2012


I'd like to think I don't have 'these' mornings often. In this moment of taboo selfdisclosure, forbid anyone should mention a time of sadness, I am; I feel sad. I'm having a 'the world doesn't quite feel loving today' moment. Then as the sad permeates around my heart inking it sour, I grow mad. I don't want to hear all the reasons why a) lifes so awesome be thankful or b) I agree because....FUCK's a 17year olds immature tantrum now crying out, strangled and hurt. Oooooh, I can start to feel a clearing of the anger towards my love tank is running low. A pissant to myself for not recognising it and paying attention to my own needs, for ultimately; only I can supply them *sigh* okay....My time for sad was felt, my anger now ceased, a slip of guilt felt and some embarrassed anguish *breathe* now a time for happy, let's start this grump off with some calm shall we? Lol

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Monday, 16 January 2012


Every parent says it, every person has heard it, yet you never REALLY believe how fast children grow until the child is yours. Claire crawled at 5 1/2 months, walked at 9 months, is under 2 and talking in sentences and having conversations....uh...? Where's my baby gone? :-(

I know children grow fast, I see it happen, but when it's your's magic. Even when they shit on the toilet it's magic lol

With every smile,

With every laugh.

I learn and grow,

As I see you grow past;

The baby you once were.

Your words are clear,

Your emotions strong.

Your eyes fill with meaning,

As your eyebrows move along;

My little Toddler.

All too soon you'll be my little Kindergartner,

All too soon, all too soon.

But for now I have more magic;

More moments just Mommy and you


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Thursday, 12 January 2012


I often am asked "How do you get them to listen to you?" (the children) and its quite simple. DISCIPLINE. Get off your ass and follow through. MODEL. Get off your ass and show then how to do it WITH A SMILE ON YOUR FACE:-) People wonder why children give attitude lol because they were TAUGHT attitude. I know, I know, yikes the next time my daughter throws a tantrum....BUT, thinking about words said to a driver who cut me off or words uttered when I stubbed my toe, and guess where her behavioural arsenal has increased from? Surprise! Without meaning to have taught her, I HAVE given her, her next tantrum. So....lets be disciplined. Lets train ourselves to laugh, to sing, to HAVE FUN and FOLLOW THROUGH, MODEL and you will find groups of children, children, people, laughing with you and listening.....

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Monday, 9 January 2012


I am thankful that as an early childhood teacher I can repeatedly enjoy the quirks of childhood throughout my adult work day. A perfect example being my amazing 'link beard'. It caused such a cascade of laughter as I shuffled about uttering insensibility to all I passed by. The wave of smiles tilting up to mark the childrens eyes as even my fellow coworkers giggled at the silliness I was displaying. Life is beautiful and it breathes beauty often through laughter.

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Saturday, 7 January 2012


Whenever I'm given one of these looks I have to marvel at the innocence of childhood. I am reminded to retrain myself to think happy thoughts, and my reminder as of late is that she is still surprised to find the moon in the sky EACH time. It's her laughter that follows lifes simplicities for literally no reason. This picture, with her 'cape' on was her "wow'd" when looking up at the sky one day. A sky that we see just as we breathe. We complain about it; no sun, too much sun, we whine about clouds. Yet a child, regardless, sees beauty. To her the mass of angry grey seething across the sky stills her with its wonder.

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Friday, 6 January 2012


Remember when catching grasshoppers and putting them in your black rubber lidded garbage cans was the latest and greatest? Or how about hide-and-seek out in the tall meadows grass growing freely to the sky? This game (as seen in the picture to the left) is 'put rock in the hole' YUP, just that simple. No videogame, no tv, just good ol' pick it up and put it in; kerrrrplunk. The days of when you were 'bored' and you were told to GO OUTSIDE seem to have slowly wain within the supernova of consistantly evolving and reproducing technology. I get it, I do.....sometimes you NEED to slow down. I watch movies with my daughter, we play songs on my smartphone, and yes I own a Nintendo Wii.....HOWEVER, these only retain magic if we have CONSISTANTLY allowed our childrens brains to develope in the REAL world. An OUTSIDE world. One with dirt, mess, rocks and sticks. Where they can build a 3-dimensional PHYSICALLY THERE structure to play CREATE, thrive, SOCIALISE and learn hands on. Soooooo.....'put rock in the hole'


The title was supposed to be "superannoying" for what was going to be my first blog....well, its superdumb now because I'm the goose who titled the whole shabang incorrectly. It's continuing on the SuperDumb track as its now taken me three days and multiple attempts to write what has now become a rant. Well, lets make it a good one.

Sometimes Im slow and stupid
Just as anyone can be
What's special about this clearly
Is its not funny when its happening to me

So fuck you technology
You sure are pissing me off
What is the expression?
Turn your head to the side and cough!